com The current location address for Essilor Laboratories Of America, Inc is 860 Aviation Pkwy Ste 1300,, Morrisville, North Carolina and the contact number is 80 and fax number is. Legal certification can be obtained only through the Office of the Secretary of State. as a/an Lab Technician I - 1st Shift in Nashville, TN (41358279). The practice location is 1300 W Optical Dr, Azusa, CA 91702-3251. Arlene just really went above and beyond, returning calls to me, placing calls to my Optician and their Essilor Lab to get all this figured out. is located in Dallas, TX, United States and is part of the Eyewear Manufacturing Industry. The internationally renowned company, a joint venture of VISION RX LAB and Essilor, has been producing high quality organic and mineral Rx Essilor of America, Inc. Anti-fog and scratch-resistant lens solutions for optimal performance.